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Spring Run’s iLife program is best described as an enrichment program and social club rolled into one. From its humble beginnings in 2011, iLife has exemplified the altruistic culture of the Spring Run membership. It’s in the spirit of giving that Spring Run members created the Charitable Foundation, the Employee Relations Committee, and even the iLife program itself.

Word got around that a Spring Run member - retired tennis pro, John Foley - was giving free tennis lessons for fellow members at the Spring Run tennis courts. This got another Spring Run member thinking about how much untapped potential lay in the community. This philanthropic visionary is Bill Furtwengler, the founder of iLife. He wagered that there would be plenty of members willing to share their knowledge and experiences for free.

Through the years iLife has grown and evolved into a sophisticated platform for enriching the lives of Spring Run members. It is a distinctive program that is truly defining a distinctive community. Each season there are around 100 unique activities & presentations offered through iLife with an average of 2500 registrations annually. With over 80 volunteers each season, the iLife program even reaches out to area communities and organizations to help them with their equivalent program and conduct a talent exchange.

The future of iLife is contingent on member involvement. New blood is the lifeblood of the iLife program. From audience members, to member presenters, to even the Champion of the iLife program itself, new blood is what keeps iLife fresh and thriving each season. In 2018, Bill Furtwengler passed the torch to the next iLife champion, Terri Socol. She has overseen the institutionalization of the iLife program so that it isn’t dependent on any one person to continue on. With an army of dedicated volunteers, iLife will continue its steady march into the future.

Invitation to Participate

If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering for the iLife program, whether as a presenter or in another supporting role, please reach out to the Activities Office:

Phone: 239-444-2127
Email: [email protected]

The iLife program exists thanks to the hard work of member volunteers (like you).

Contact the Activities Office today!